Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A New Song

We are pregnant! Today is the day I announce to the world (well, the internet world, anyway) that we are expecting a baby.

I am already 26 weeks and 5 days along. The baby is due July 3rd or July 5th, depending on whether you talk to me or my OB.

This baby is healthy. Doing just fine. Kicking me and punching me and doing sommersaults and raking his heel along my belly. He's already extremely active and quite adorable.

It's nice to be singing in major again.


Hope said...

You are one of the first blogs I found after I lost my baby in Sept., and I've been following you ever since-glad to see you've emerged again!

Congrats on you wonderful news!

I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps!

Silly... 'Ma said...

Congratulations! Someone from ABC mentioned that it "sounded as though" you may be pregnant again from something you'd said there a while ago, but no one was sure.

I'm so very happy for you - and you know it's a boy? How exciting!

Blessings for all of you!


amy said...

Congratulations, Jenny! I don't know if you remember me from ABC, but I often think of you and glad to hear you are pregnant. Best wishes!

amy / "heartjoys" on the message boards